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I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.




I am a retired teacher who wrote 7 photocopiable books for Teachers and one book for children Union Jack Colouring Book. The 7books covered Geography, History (Medieval/ Tudor/ Stuart), Travel and Transport, Myself and Events (this included diaries), Race Against Time Stories (SATS based), Church Dates for Children plus Nature and Seasons (including Sport). These 7 books have been mainly broken into a number of segments. Challenging the Physical Elements, my Geography book, is complete.
Pope Leo 1 ( c400-461)   Feast Day now  November 10th

Pope Leo 1 ( c400-461) Feast Day now November 10th

Leo 1 was the first Pope to be called great. He was Bishop of Rome from 440-461. He was a Roman aristocrat of the fifth century when the Roman Empire was being invaded from all directions. He is probably best remembered for persuading Attila the Hun not to invade Italy. With 2 unarmed men he persuaded Attila not to advance on Rome. He is also one of the four doctors of the church and is remembered for his* Tome* which was a major foundation to the dabates of the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon which dealt primarily with Christology. He galvanized charitable works in Rome which had many famines, an influx of refugees and poverty. He is also associated with the practice of charity and alms giving - especially quarterly Ember days Former Pope Benedict XV1 (2005-2013) said that Leo’s papacy was undoubtedly one of the most important in the Church’s history. Sources - britannica, wikipedia and* TheChurch’s Year* by Charles Alexander
Josh  McDowell

Josh McDowell

Josh McDowell is an Evangelical Protestant Christian apologist and evangelist. He is a living power house for Jesus Christ. Josh has probably spoken to more high school and college students than anyone else in history. Over the years he has talked to more than 7,000,000 young people in 84+ countries including 700 universities and college campuses. He is also author, or co-author, of over 150 books. His book * Evidence That Demands a Verdict* was listed 13th in Christianity Today in list of most influential evangelical books published after World War 11 Not bad for someone brought up by an alcoholic father and someone who as a child/teenager was abused. He went to college to study law. He went to college an agnostic and decided to write a paper examining the historical evidence of the Christian faith in order to disprove it. He found evidence for it and it changed his life. Instead of studying law he studied theology. In 1964 he became a travelling representative of Campus Crusade for Christ International. He continues to have close affiliation with the organization. In 1983 the Josh McDowell Ministry headquarters moved to Richardson and moved to Plano, Texas in 2009. He is also the founder of Josh.org and Operation Carelift. Sources used Wikipedia and Ambassadors for Christ - John D. Woodbridge -general editor
Saint Alphage   Feast day 19th April

Saint Alphage Feast day 19th April

Alphage was born in the village of Weston near Bath. He became a hermit, then a monk, then an abbot. Saint Dunstan appointed him abbot of Bath. He later became Bishop of Winchester (984) and then Archbishop of Canterbury (1005-12. He lived when England was invaded by the Vikings/Danes. He was sent by King Ethelred in 994 to seek peace with Anlaf and Swein. Anlaf became a Christian and kept his promise not to invade England again. In 1011 the Danes overran much of southern England although the tribute had been paid . Canterbury was captured and prominent persons were held for ransom. Alphage refused to pay the £3,000 - fortune in those days, for his own release. ( Following a drunken feast the Danes threw bones etc, at Alphage and an axeman delivered the death blow. Thorkell the Tall, the Danish leader had tried to save his life.On his death Alphage became a national hero. He was originally buried in St. Pauls London . King Canute, in 1023 , had his body transfered to Canterbury. His martyrdom took place in Greenwich, London, where there is now a church dedicated to him. Alphage was declared a saint in 1078. but there were doubts whether he had died for exercising his Christian virtue of of justice rather than professing his Christian faith Sources used Canterbury history, justus. anglican and The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander
Francis and Edith Schaeffer,  Founders of the L'Abri  Fellowship

Francis and Edith Schaeffer, Founders of the L'Abri Fellowship

The L’Abri Fellowship was founded in 1955 by Francis and Edith Schaeffer in Switzerland. They ran the centres together until Francis death, through cancer, in 1984 - nearly 40 years. L’Abri communities are study centres where individuals have the opportunity to seek answers to honest questions about God and the significance of life.are communities. L’Abri is the French word for shelter. Edith was born In China. Her parents gave her a Chinese name Mei Fuh which means beautiful happiness. Both Francis and Edith were missionaries and also recognised as authors. They met at Beaver College in Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA. (see short note). Dr.Francis Schaeffer was an American evangelical theologian, philosopher and Presbyterian minister. His complete set of books are still available. Few Christians have had a greater impact during the last half of the 20th century (See information sheet on Francis The Time magazine recognised Edith as the world famous missionary to the intellectuals. She wrote numerous books . Her book The Hidden Art of Homemaking (1971) has been influential among women in the Christian Patriarchy movement. In 2000 Edith was listed in Helen Koolman Hosiier’s **** 100 Christian women who Changed the Twentieth Century***. She died, aged 98 at home in Gryon, Switzerland. Sources used Wikipedia, L’Abri Fellowship International and Ambassadors for Christ - John D. Woodbridge (Editor) - author - Frank Schaeffer (son)
Tom Mahairas

Tom Mahairas

Tom Mahairas (1949 to present) was born in Greece but aged 8 moved with his parents to New York City. Just two months short of graduating from George Washington school he was a expelled for having a fist fight with the principal - he was a fully fledged rebel. He was into flower power and a hippie life style. He with his girlfriend Vicky, who he later married, considered themselves seekers of the truth. He then met Bruce. After two hours of questions and answers Bruce invited him to Word of Life Island. On their trip to the island Tom, who was hallucinating, met Robbie Robertson, a white haired man carrying a Bible. Within two days both Tom and Vicky gave their lives to Jesus. ( read note on looking for Jesus) For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life John 3v16. Since 1968, over 50 years, Tom has never stopped sharing that the gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. I have included his testimony story , the growth of the church in Manhattan and the list of Church organisations he has founded. Sources * Ambassadors for Christ****** John Woodbridge -general editor Citivision
Tokunboh Adeyemo  (1944-2010)

Tokunboh Adeyemo (1944-2010)

Tokunboh Adeyemo was a Muslim who became a world Christian leader. He was born on the 1st October 1944 into a royal Muslim family. He dreamt of being prime Minister of Nigeria by 1973. As the first boy in his family he was set to become the chief in Nigeria’s Oyo Sate. The 1966 coup in Nigera dramatically changed everything. He was put under house arrest. His dream was shattered. Initially he did part from his Muslim upbringing but his quest for for meaning and purpose became urgent. He accepted an invite to a church meeting. Following the sermon he said the sinners prayer. The date was September 13th, 1966. His family on hearing of his conversion disowned him. His mother and siblings, years later, eventually became Christians… He said he never had what people term a ‘call’ but his desire started at his conversion. His ‘working ’ verse was * *Not my might nor by power but by the Spirit, says the Lord’ * * Zechariah 4 v6 Isaac Phiri in Ambassadors for Christ tells us what happened over the next 20 years. He goes to university in Nigeria. Moves to America with no money - he prays and receives money anonymously . In 1977 he awarded a doctorate in Theology. In Scotland in 1979 he is awarded a Ph.D. He marries Ireti and they have two sons. In 1975 Bryan Kato, the secretary of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa and Madagascar (AEAM) dies suddenly in a swimming pool accident. Tokunboh in1977 elected to succeed him. He led the AEAM for 25 years. For over 30 years he was a leader in the African Church He wrote a number of books but he is probably best known as the author of Africa Bible Commentary.- which 70 African scholars contributed to. Adeyemo was an African Christian statesman of high repute.* Moses Owojaiye Sources used Ambassadors for Christ Langham Foundation Hong Kong Christianity Today wikipedia
Saint Monica of Hippo   ( c 332-387)  Feast day May 4th

Saint Monica of Hippo ( c 332-387) Feast day May 4th

Saint Monica of Hippo was the mother of Saint Augustine of Hippo. She was born in Thagaste, Numidia (now Souk Ahras, Algeria) in 332. She is an example of those holy matrons, who through their quiet prayers and tears influenced the ancient Church. Her husband Patricius, a pagan as was his mother. They both eventually became Christian. She is remembered for being very persistant. She prayed and wept for 17 years before her son Augustine became a Christian. She had the joy of witnessing Saint Anbrose baptize Augustine in 387 . That same year she died in Ostia, as she and her son gazed at the sea and discoursed about the joys of the blessed. It is through theConfessions of Saint Augustine, which provide biographical detail that we learn most about Monica. Through prayers and tears she gave the great Augustine to the Church of God, and thereby earned for herself a place of honour in the history of God’s kingdom on earth. Sources wikipedia and* The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander
Saint Anselm -  Archbishop of Canterbury (1093- 1109)  Feast day 21st April

Saint Anselm - Archbishop of Canterbury (1093- 1109) Feast day 21st April

Saint Anselm was born at Aosta in northern in c1033 and died in 1109. Aged only 15 he decided he wanted to become a monk. After his mother died he and a friend made their way to a monastery in Bec ,Normandy where Lanfranc was Prior. There he stayed for the next 37 years. After 4 years he became a Benedictine monk. He then became the Prior and eventually the Abbot. By the Catholic church he is recognised as both a philosopher and theologian. He came to England in c1085 to visit his friend Lanfranc who was now Archbishop of Canterbury. Here in England he was respected for his powers of thought - he knew Christianity could stand up to any inquiry. He used all his powers of mind to make its truths clearer. Lanfranc died in1089. King William Rufus delayed appointing a successor for 3 years until he became ill in Gloucester. He pressed Ansel to become the next Archbishop but he wanted 2 points cleared up first - revenue to be restored to the see of Canterbury and that he would be invested with the pall. ( The pall - a special scarf/cloak which Roman Catholic archbishops are invested by the Pope). A compromise was reached and Ansel became archbishop in 1093.They then disagreed . On the death of William Rufus in 1100 Henry1 became king - more disagreement and Ansel spent time in exile. He was in exile twice from 1197-1100 and 1093- 1109 (Read notes ) In the history books it is known as the* Investiture Controversy*. Today he is remembered more for his writings then the controversy. (see list). I have included a list of editions of Saint Anselm’s works Sources used - wikipedia and The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander Wikipedia has pages of information
Saint Philip the apostle

Saint Philip the apostle

Saint Philip was one of the twelve apostles originally selected by Jesus. He is mentioned several times in the Gospels and in the Acts of the Apostles. He was an eyewitness to Christ’s ministry on earth. It is believed after Christ’s resurrection that he went on to teach in Greece, Syria and Phrygia. Later stories about saint Philip’s life can be found in the anonymous Acts of Philip. In the Appendix it suggests he died a martyr. Another legend suggests he was martyred by beheading in the city of Hierapolis. Sources used wikipedia and The Chuch’s year by Charles Alexander
Saint Dunstan (909-988)   Feast Day  19th May

Saint Dunstan (909-988) Feast Day 19th May

Saint Dunstan was born in the village of Baltonsborough - near Glastonbury, in Somerset, around the year 910. He was educated in Glastonbury and then joined his uncle Athelm, Archbishop of Canterbury at the royal court of King Athelstan. He was banished from court when untrue stories were told about him. He went and stayed with his uncle Bishop Elphege of Winchester who suggested he became a monk. Aged 34 he took up the monastic life. He returned to Gloucester and lived a simple life of manual labour and devotion. He became skilled at copying and illuminating scripts, making church vestments, furniture and plate. On the death of King Athelstan his successor, Edmund, called him back to court as a priest. In no time he became the Abbot of Glastonbury. Back at his place of birth his mission was to reinvigorate the abbey. He established Glastonbury as a leading centre of learning and scholarship. He also had another role. He became the royal advisor first to Edmund and then Eadred. Eadred was often ill and for 9 years Dunstan took the chief place in governing England. He did much to reform both the Church and the State. Edwy, when he became king sent Duncan into exile. Following a revolt Dunstan was brought back to court by Edgar who was now king. He oversaw every detail of the Edgar’s coronation… His ceremony - which emphasised the bond between church and monarch - still forms the basis of royal coronations today Duncan quickly became Bishop of Worcester, then London and finally Archbishop of Canterbury until his death aged 79. Dunstan retired from court in 978 on the murder of Edward. Dunstan died in 988 and was buried in a tomb in his cathedral. (See Final Years 978-988) At the time of his death he was the most popular English saint. I have included a list of kings who Dunstan would have advised and the length of their reigns. Sources wikipedia, British Express, The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander
Saint Basil the Great (c330-379)

Saint Basil the Great (c330-379)

Saint Basil was born in c329 in Caesarea, Cappadocia. He grew up in a Christian family. He had a brilliant academic career at Caesarea, Constantinople and Athens He decided to become a monk. For a while he became a hermit seeking a life of solitude. He then became the assistant to two Bishops of Caesarea When Eusebius, the second bishop, died in 370 Basil became the bishop. He laid out near the town a great set of community buildings - a church, a bishop’s house, a monastery and a hospital for the poor. He also drew up a monastic Rule which was later widely adapted. He believed that monks should live in communities, working hard at farming and giving practical help to those who lived near by. Up to this point monks had lived a simple life of prayer, spent in a solitary place, living like a hermit. Basil’s Rule predates Saint Benedict ideas. Saint Basil was an eloquent and learned man. Many of his writings, including 300 of his letters, exist today. Glossary Arianism - the Greek theologian Arius suggested that God was superior/not equal to his son Jesus. ascetic - a person given to practise self denial and abstains from the world’s comforts for religious reasons homoiousian - a Christian who believes that the son is of like ( and not identical) substance to the father. Sources used wikipedia, The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander Encyclopedia of Saints by Howard Loxton
St. Clements of Rome (c35 AD- 99 AD)

St. Clements of Rome (c35 AD- 99 AD)

St. Clements of Rome was born shortly after the death of Jesus. He became either the third or fourth Bishop or Pope. It is possible that he heard Saint Paul preach. He wrote a letter to the Corinthians after Saint Paul wrote his letters. It is regarded as the most important first century document after the New Testament. According to apocryphal* acta * he was banished from Rome and sent to work in a stone quarry. He was later martyred by being tied to an anchor and thrown from a boat into the Black Sea. I found my information about St. Clements from wikipedia, Britannica and The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander. I have included information about Domitian, the Roman emperor.
Sammy & Debara 'Tex' Tippett

Sammy & Debara 'Tex' Tippett

Sammy and Debara 'Tex’Tippett have been married for over 50 Years. Sammy was born in 1947 and married Debara Ann ‘Tex’ Sirman in 1968. Sammy was converted when he went to his girl friend’s church. Debra’s father would not let them go out unless they went to church first. Sammy went to church despite the laughter and derision of his partying friends. He heard the gospel and received Christ. For over fifty years he has been preaching the gospel. In 2019 he was re-elected to be president of the Southern Baptist Evangelists. The book Ambassadors for Christ looks at his life until 1990. On the day they were married they had all their belongings stolen. With nothing but the clothes on his back and unshaven he was invited to a regional evangelism conference. He spoke from the ‘floor’ and dozens of invitations to speak followed. He preached the gospel across the globe. He had a break in the early 80’s and accepted a pastorate for 3 years. Challenged by Arthur Blessitt In 1986 he returned to full time international evangelism and saw his ministry explode.(See notes). Sammy Tippitt continues to preach all over the world. He and Tex have remained faithful to their call. For up to date information go to Sammy Tippet Ministries (page would not print clearly). I have included notes form the Southern baptist Convention -18th June 2019. Other sources Ambassadors for Christ edited article written by jerry Jenkins
Saint Boniface ( c 680 -754)     Feast day 5th June

Saint Boniface ( c 680 -754) Feast day 5th June

Saint Boniface was a Benedictine monk who was born in Crediton in Devon. His original name was Wynfrid or Wynfrith. Pope Gregory 11 renamed him Boniface - doer of good. Boniface studied at the abbeys of Exeter and Newell and became a monk. He was ordained a priest a priest at about the age of 30. He tried three times to evangelise in Frisia/ Friesland ( now in the Netherlands ). The first two attempts -716 and 722 failed, the third, when he was aged 75, cost him his life. In 718 he went to Rome. Gregory11 entrusted him with a mission to the pagans east of the Rhine… 722 he went to Hesse where he established the first of many Brendictine monasteries. His success was so great Gregory11 consecrated him a missionary bishop 725-735 he was active in Thuringia converting pagans and renewing the faith of Christians. Pope Gregory 111 ordered him to organize the church in Bavaria. In 751 Boniface became archbishop of Mainz. In 754, as a monk, he returned to Friesland. As he confirmed some converts he, along with 52 others, was martyred by a band of pagan Frisians. Consuelo Maria Aherne, in the Britannica notes I have included, concludes Saint Boniface was an organizer, educator and reformer and that he influenced the course of intellectual, political and ecclesiastical history in Germany and France throughout the Middle Ages. Saint Boniface was indeed a* doer of good.* In 2019 Devon County council officially recognised Saint Boniface as the Patron Saint of Devon. Sources used Britannica, wikipedia, The Church’s Year by Charles Alexander and *The Encyclopedia of Saints by Howard Loxton.
Hyung-Ja Leeand Torch Ministeries

Hyung-Ja Leeand Torch Ministeries

Dr. Hyung -Ja Lee is the chairperson of Torch Trinity Graduate University in South Korea. She was brought up by Christian parents and when she was only 6 she had an unusual experience. She saw a shining light that felt she was in a world of fantasy. It showered upon her face and filled her sight. The sunbeam was absolutely beautiful - she never forgot the experience. During her senior high schooldays her relationship with the Lord grew. In her second year at college whilst studying oriental painting she stepped in front of a bus and suffered serious injuries. It took 6 months to recover but surre from tiredness. Whilst at college she met Soon-Young Choi and married him following graduation. After 4 years of marriage first her mother, then her mother-in-law died and she became depressed. With her husband’s business also suffering they turned to prayer. They prayed together from 4am in the morning for hours. Their worries disappeared. If her husband had a problem he would ask her to pray into the problem -her prayers were answered and his business flourished. In 1977 an indescribable force overpowered Hyung-Ja. A voice was heard . Light the torch! This was a call to a new direction of ministry. The Korean Center for World Missions was formed. Where were they to meet? In a pre-dawn prayer time Hyung-Ja was shown a vision of a building. Through prayer she asked how big it should be. It grew to 63 floors! Ony 20 storey buildings were allowed on Yeoido Island. President Park said, ‘No’. The president was assassinated. The building law was changed. Permission was granted. Three and a half years later it was built- 60 floors above ground, 3 beneath the building -63 in total -the 63 building, shaped like a pair of hands, it is a symbol of spiritual triumph. ( now such a tall building is not allowed in Seoul) 63 building was originally named Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology. It is now Torch Trinity Graduate University’s academic building. Dr. Hyung-Ja Lee is their inspirational chairperson . She believes Torch Trinity can reach the 12,000 unreached people groups that make up the 2 billion of the Earth’s population. Sources used Ambassadors for Christ - Editor J.D. Woodbridge contribution by David Kim wikipedia Torch Trinity Graduate University
Saint Lawrence ( 225- 258)  feast day 10th August

Saint Lawrence ( 225- 258) feast day 10th August

Saint Lawrence (or Laurence) is one of the most venerated Roman martyrs. He was born in Spain and went to work for the future Pope Sixtus11 in Rome. He was ordained as a deacon to work in the cathedral. He was appointed first deacon among the 7 deacons. (deacons are responsible for looking after the poor - the indigent) He was the archdeacon of Rome a position of great trust which included the care of the treasury and riches of the church. August 258 the Roman emperor Valerian sent out an edict that all bishops, priests and deacons should be killed. On August 8th Pope Sixtus 11 was executed. The prefect of Rome asked Saint Lawrence to hand over the riches of the church. Saint Lawrence asked for and was granted three days to collect the riches. Instead of collecting the riches he distributed the riches/alms amongst the indigent, crippled, blind and suffering. One account suggests that he told the prefect * The church is truly rich, far richer than the emperor.* For his defiance, Lawrence the last of the 7 deacons - the ranking church official, was martyred. In those days to be martyred you were normally beheaded. ** Legend ** has it the prefect was so angry with Saint Lawrence that he had a great gridiron prepared with hot coals underneath and Saint Lawrence was burnt alive . In pain the dying saint declared *I am roasted enough on this side; turn me over and eat Saint Lawrence became famous. He is the patron saint for cooks, chefs and comedians. King Philip 11 of Spain had his great palace built in the shape of a grid iron. There are over 200 churches dedicated to Saint Lawrence. There has been a Saint Lawrence church in Reading, Berkshire since 1196. Sources used wikipedia, youronlinechoices * The Church’s Year* by Charles Alexander
Dieumeme Noelliste  Caribbean Church Leader

Dieumeme Noelliste Caribbean Church Leader

Dieumeme was given this name by mistake! His father thought it meant ’ Gift of God ’ the correct translation is ’ God himself '. Dieumeme is proof that it is possible, through faith, to climb to the top of the mountain. He is now the president of the Caribbean Evangelical Theological Association (CETA). He is the Professor of Theological Ethics;Vernon Ground Chair of Pastoral Ministry and Social Ethics at Denver( Conservative Baptist) Seminary. He was born into an illiterate Christian Haiti family. He wanted to learn how to read. His sister made a starling offer she would sell her rooster to make it possible for him to go to school. Aged 13 he placed his faith in Christ during a vacation Bible School. He entered an Unevangelized Fields Mission for 5 years. This was one year short for sitting the Baccalaureate 1 exams. So 4 of them self tutored themselves in their fifth year. Dieumeme , with 2 others, passed the exam 1 and he passed exam 2. His older brother had gone into the ministry. Seeing how poorly it paid he decided to study law. He completed 3 out of the 4 year course. Whilst there he worked at the Christian Radio Lumiere. He impressed Dr. Harold Merchant who offered to sponsor him going to the USA to study the Bible at Detroit Bible College. He agreed to go. In Detroit he fell in love with theology and then Gloria Charleston.Shortly after graduation in 1979 he married Gloria. They moved to Deerfield. They began to work with the Haitian community and in !982 they launched the Haitian Evangelical Baptist Church. (please read the rest of column 2 and columns 3 and 4 of the notes from * Ambassadors for Christ *. The Caribbean eventually got their dean. Being fluent in English, French, Creole and Spanish he was ideally prepared for a Caribbean -wide education role. The sale of the rooster by his sister turned out to be one of the soundest investments ever made. Sources used *Ambassadors for Christ * - contribution from Harry Genet Denver Seminary CETA
Saint Christopher     Feast Day   25th  July

Saint Christopher Feast Day 25th July

Saint Christopher is a Christian martyr saint of the third century. Christopher in Greek means ’ child bearer. Christopher is often shown carrying a child on his shoulder. The legend is that Saint Christopher offered to carry a small child across a river. As they moved into the water the child became increasingly heavy. On reaching the other side he learns that he had just carried upon his back the world and Him who created it. It is uncertain which of two Roman emperors were responsible for his death by beheading. Two emperors have very similar names Decius (reigned 249-251 ) and Maximinux 11 Dacian (reigned 308-313) As a result of his famous legend of carrying the boy Jesus Saint Christopher is the patron saint of travellers. Many people as a result wear a Saint Christopher pendant image around their neck. Please note that Saint Christopher’s name was dropped from the Roman Catholic Church’s calendar in 1969 so his feast day is nolonger obligatory. Sources wikipedia and The encyclopedia of Saints by Howard Loxton.
Saint Lambert of Maastricht (c635-c705) Feast day 17th September

Saint Lambert of Maastricht (c635-c705) Feast day 17th September

Saint Lambert was born in Maastricht, now Holland, in the seventh century. His parents are thought to have been Apre, lord of Liege, and his wife Herisplende. He was educated by Landoald the archpriest of the city. He is described by early biographers as a prudent young man of pleasing looks, courteous and well-behaved in his speech and manners, well built, strong, a good fighter, clear headed, affectionate, pure and humble and fond of reading. He was a protege of his uncle Theodard, the bishop of Maastricht. When Theodard was murdered in c.669 the councilors of Childeric made Saint Lambert the next bishop. He remained bishop until he was martyred in c705 except for the 7 years in exile when he had been driven from his see for supporting King Childeric who Ebroin had murdered in 675. Saint Lambert lost his life during the political turmoil that developed when various families fought for dominance with the Merovingian dynasty giving way to the Carolingians. Saint Lambert, with others, was surrounded. He refused to defend himself and was killed. Date of martyrdom sometime c 705-709. He is considered a martyr for his defence of marriage fidelity. He denounced Pepin’s liaison with his mistress Alpaida, who was the mother of Charles Martel. The present day Cathedral of Our Lady and Saint Lambert in Liege was built in his honour. Saint Lambert’s tomb is located in the Cathedral. Saint Lambert is the patron saint of city of Liege. Sources used Wikipedia * The Church’s Year* by Charles Alexander
Samuel Marinus Zwemer (1867-1952)

Samuel Marinus Zwemer (1867-1952)

Samuel was born in Michigan on April 12th 1867, the thirteenth of fifteen children. His parents were Adriaan and Catherina Boon Zwemer. His father was Reform Church pastor. Both father and son attended Hope College, Holland Michigan. 5 other brothers also became pastors. After his college days he attended a seminary in New Brunswich, New Jersey. Samuel and his friend James Cantine had the idea of doing missionary work in Arabia. The mission Board gave them a negative response but they still proceeded with the idea. Samuel was ordained on May 29th 1890. He saw Arabia for the first time in January 1891. He was a missionary at Busrah, Bahrein and other locations in Arabia from 1891-1905. He was a member of the Arabian Mission from 1890-1913. He was the founder of the American Mission hospital in Bahrain. He rode camels across the hot deserts of Arabia to bring the Gospel to the Muslims. He founded the * Moslem World*, published quarterly, in 1911. He not only edited it for 35 years but also covered much of the funding out of his own pocket. He saw the printed page as * the leaves for the healing of the nations. He moved to Egypt for 16 years 1913-1929. From 1929 -1937, he was professor of missions and professor of religion at Princeton Theological College Seminary. 1937, now aged 70, he retired from active work but carried on writing. He lived to the age of 84 and died in New York City. His legacy is that through the work of the Student Volunteer Movement, which he was strongly connected to*, 14,000 young men went out to the mission field.* . There is also the enormous volume of work he wrote. Sources wikipedia * Ambassadors for Christ* contribution from James Dretke Biographical Dictionary of Christian Missions